Music Ministries

A Psalm Of David
I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.
All Are Welcome to join Our Lady of Tahoe, a quaint church nestled in the beautiful mountains of Lake Tahoe. We are a diverse community of vacationers, snowbirds, and full-time parishioners. We consider ALL of you loyal worshipers here and encourage you to add to our music ministry no matter your status.
With that said, our music worship ministry depends on all of you to share your talents, whether it is singing, playing an instrument, cantor, or singing a solo. All you need to do is SHOW UP a little early before our masses so we can set a space for you and get you acquainted with our music and mass setting.
VISITING YOUTH CHOIRS OR OTHERS: We would love to have you sing for us and share your gifts of joy and music. Please contact our church office or the music ministry director to arrange.
Our practices are posted on our website, along with our suggested music for each mass. Music can change without notice.
We practice:
Every Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm
Every Sunday 10:15-11:10am
Every Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm
Every Sunday 8:00-8:45am & 11:00-11:45am
We have meditation and silence 15 minutes before all masses.