Our Lady of TahoE
Connect | Grow | Serve
Welcome. We are so glad you’re here. Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic Parish is a growing community of believers engaged in ministry and service and welcomes and embraces all as our mission statement reads.
Whether you’re visiting or live here year-round, we’re truly delighted that you have expressed interest in learning more about us.

Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5pm and Sunday - 8:30am and 10:30am
Holy Days - 8:30am and 5pm
Weekdays - 5pm (Tuesday) and 8:30am (Wednesday - Saturday)
Adoration - 9am - 10am (after Friday morning mass)
Reconciliation - 9am - 10am (Friday) and 4pm - 4:45pm (Saturday)


Contact Us
1 Elks Point Rd. Zephyr Cove, NV 89448
PO Box 115, Zephyr Cove, NV, 89448
(775) 588-2080