Our Lady of TahoE

Connect | Grow | Serve

Welcome. We are so glad you’re here. Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic Parish is a growing community of believers engaged in ministry and service and welcomes and embraces all as our mission statement reads.

Whether you’re visiting or live here year-round, we’re truly delighted that you have expressed interest in learning more about us.

Our Mission

As disciples of Jesus Christ and in the name of Mary, Our Lady of Tahoe Catholic community welcomes and embraces all those who come to us. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through worship, the sacraments, and loving service, we provide for one another’s spiritual and material needs. We reach out in faith to serve the larger community in being so nourished.


Mass Schedule

Saturday - 5pm and  Sunday - 8:30am and 10:30am

Holy Days - 8:30am and 5pm

Weekdays - 5pm (Tuesday) and 8:30am (Wednesday - Saturday)

Adoration - 9am - 10am  (after Friday morning mass)

Reconciliation - 9am - 10am (Friday)  and 4pm - 4:45pm (Saturday)























Contact Us

1 Elks Point Rd. Zephyr Cove, NV 89448

PO Box 115, Zephyr Cove, NV, 89448


(775) 588-2080